Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I just posted an instructable on how to dye wool yarn using madder root. You can view it at http://www.instructables.com/id/Dyeing-Wool-Yarn-with-Madder-Root/.
It gives step-by-step instructions and pictures on how to dye wool this lovely red color.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Madder Root, Glorious Root

My madder root powder has finally arrived. Five large bags of firmly packed powder. I have never seen so much madder.
Wallet for scale.

There will be dyeing this Sunday!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Mini Stockings

To give myself a product to show off my naturally-dyed wool, I thought of the idea of knitting mini stockings. So, here they are:

Aren't they so cute. They are exactly 2/3 the size of a large stocking. I'm not sure if I will connect them or not but I can easily carry these to show off the different colors that I have done and can do on stockings.

I am still waiting on the delivery of my madder root to do another batch of red for my Liberty or Death caps. Hopefully it will come sometime this week and I will be able to dye next weekend.

Monday, March 03, 2008

1st Virginia Regiment Annual Meeting

For the 2 March 2008 1st Virginia Regiment Annual Meeting, I had completed 7 pairs of stockings and 1 Liberty or Death Cap to sell. I ended up selling three pairs of the stockings and the cap. Having stockings there for people to touch and see was so much better than just having a flyer.

It made me realize that if I had had two pairs of children's stockings there, I probably could have sold them as well. It also allowed folks to see what different colors I am able to dye. I believe that I have orders now for two pairs of stockings and more Liberty or Death caps.

So, that means that I have to do more Madder Red dyeing. I found a website where I can order powdered root at a really great price - $5.85 a pound. The company is the Monterey Bay Spice Company.

I believe that I have enough wool yarn. Right now I have over 5 pounds. It only takes about 250 grams for a pair of stockings.

Now I have work to do!