Saturday, November 21, 2009

Passap E6000 Group Sock Knit

I am considering doing a live video feed to demonstrate and discuss how to knit a sock on the Passap E6000 (without electronics). My plan would be for a toe down ribbed sock.

I have an internet camera with an IP address that everyone (in theory) would be able to connect to and I have set-up a conference number for everyone to call in .

Does this sound interesting to anyone for Saturday 29 Nov 09 at 1pm EST? It is not often that I get to talk about my Passap E6000. The discussion I think would be lively especially if we could get everyone knitting at the same time.

I am not sure how many people will be able to connect to my camera but I'd like to try.

If I get at least a few interested, I will send out the telephone number and IP address for the teleconference and camera after Thanksgiving.

If you are interested, please send an email to or reply to my Ravelry post at

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