Saturday, June 07, 2008

Spring City, PA Machine Knitting Seminar 7 June 2008

I just returned from Spring City, Pennsylvania after attending just one day of the 2 day machine knitting seminar sponsored by the Spring City Knitters/Machine Knitters Guild of PA. Sorry no pictures, I forgot to bring my camera.

Although I was only able to attend one day of the two day seminar, I had a wonderful time. I haven't been to a machine knitting seminar since 1988 whe I atended my last one in Temple Texas (thanks to Dottie Hyden-Burks).

The group made me feel right at home. It is not hard to feel that way when you are next to so many people with the same interests as you.

Thanks all of you for such a great day immersed in machine knitting - especially Passap!


Anonymous said...

The only machine knitting seminar I can usually attend is the Needle-Tek Fall Festival near Portland, OR. A bunch of ladies from my machine knitting group caravan down and have a great extended weekend. Even though its focus is Japanese-type equipment, there is usually at least one Passap class offered.

If you are 100% Passap, think about attending Pacifically Passap. It is held at most every other year in Portland, OR. It is nice to have a seminar totally dedicated to the Passap.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.